Wednesday, June 14, 2023

Biology One Liner Questions | One Liner Biology Questions | Biology GK | For All Exams | Part - 2.

Latest Biology Questions | Biology Questions and Answers for SSC CGL 2023 & other Competitive Exams.

Hello Friends, We are sharing with you One Liners Biology Questions and Answers. This is very helpful for various competitive exams like SSC CGL, CHSL, MTS, RRB, DMRC, UPSC & other competitive exams. 



Biology Questions for SSC CGL 2023:



51. Name of the vitamin which is not found in any non-vegetarian food –

      Vitamin C


52. Which are the fat-soluble vitamins –

      Calciferol, Carotene, Tocopheral


53. What is the most ideal food for newborns-

      mother's milk


54. DNA and RNA are –

      nucleic acids.


55. The pungent smell or aroma of perfume is identified by which part of the brain –



Physics One Liner Questions.


56. Urine gives bad smell –

      due to urea


57. Urea is found in maximum quantity –

      in urine


58. Respiratory activity consists of-



59. Sugars in respiration-



60. Through which food is digested in the stomach –

      through acidic medium


61. Fertilization of the egg occurs in

      the fallopian tube.


62. Antibiotic ampicillin is obtained from



63. Which substance is often deficient by dehydration –

      sodium chloride


64. Malnutrition occurs due to –

      lack of protein.


65. Mental and physical development of children becomes impaired –

      due to lack of thyroxine


Polity One Liner Questions.



66. The main function of RNA is –

      synthesis of proteins.


67. Old age in humans comes due to the disappearance of which gland-



68. Lacrimal glands secrete –



69. Protein is made of –

      amino acids.


70. Protein is the result of energy malnutrition-

      Balakshaya (Marasmus).


71. Where is the blood marrow –

      bone marrow


72. Which elements are found in the highest amount in the human body-



73. Which disease arises due to accumulation of urinary crystals in joints-



74. What is the blood group of a provider –



75. What is the condition due to increase in RBC in the blood-



Economics One Liner Questions.



76. Man with chromosome will see red color –



77. EEG is used to find out the function of-



78. Approximately how long does a heartbeat take in

      0.8 seconds


79. Which class of blood belongs to the universal-



80. Vitamin K is helpful in blood purification-

      Vitamin K


81. BCG to newborn When to be vaccinated-

      Immediately after birth


82. Did the first successful heart transplant –

      C.N. Bernard  


83. Human skin color is formed by



84. Who controls blood pressure –

      adrenal gland


85. Blood clotting is due to-



Biology One Liner Questions.



86. The function of hemoglobin is to –

      carry oxygen.


87. The instrument used to measure blood pressure is called –



88. When nitrogenous waste accumulates in the blood, which organ is not working-



89. The work of medicine is –

      to pump blood into various parts of the body.


90. Human heart stops

      in the garden


91. The transmission of Kaljar fever is –

      caused by the bite of a fly.


92. Human blood color is red –

      due to hemoglobin


93. What is the heart rate of an adult person –

      70-80 times per minute


94. Left aortic arch is visible in-



95. Maharandhra, which is a gateway, is where –

      the skull


96. Malaria fails from female anaphylase, who discovered it –

      Ronald Ross


97. What is the tissue attached to the bone called muscle –



98. Fibrinogen is converted into fibrin by-



99. Cyanide dies in seconds due to specificity –

      cardiac arrest


100. Which are the largest cells in the blood of mammals-



 Battles of Indian History .

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