Wednesday, May 31, 2023

Indian Polity One Liner Questions for Competitive Exams | Polity GK | Polity Questions. Part - 2.


Latest Indian Polity Questions | Polity Questions and Answers for SSC CGL 2023 & other Competitive Exams.

Hello Friends, We are sharing with you One Liners Polity Questions and Answers. This is very helpful for various competitive exams like SSC CGL, CHSL, MTS, RRB, DMRC, UPSC & other competitive exams. 



Polity Questions for SSC CGL 2023:



51. Who can impose appropriate restrictions on fundamental rights –



52. Both citizens and foreigners have –

      legal right


53. For the promotion of a particular religion, the payment of taxes is guaranteed freedom –

      by Article 27


54. Which Article of the Indian Constitution abolishes untouchability –



55. Certain fundamental rights are not given to –



List of Battles in Indian History:

56. The right to vote is related to which category –

      political rights


57. Which are the matters related to Fundamental Rights –

      Golaknath v. State of Punjab (1967)


58. The concept of Directive Principles of State Policy included in the Constitution of India was derived from whose constitution –



59. Part 4 of Indian Constitution deals with-

      Directive Principles of State Policy


60. What are the main objectives of incorporating the Directive Principles in the Constitution of India –

      to establish socio-economic democracy


Economics One Liner Questions:

61. Who can be amended by special majority –

      Directive Principles of State Policy


62. Which Article of the Indian Constitution determines that the Directive Principles of State Policy cannot be enforced by any court –

      Article 37


63. Directive principles in our Constitution-

      are unenforceable by legal courts.


64. Which of the Directive Principles of State Policy is based on Gandhian Philosophy –

      Gram Panchayat organized


65. Which amendment of the constitution has made the Director of State Policy more important than the Fundamental Rights-


Biology One Liner Questions:


66. Which Article of the Constitution of India is related to declaring India as a welfare state-

      Article 39


67. For which period after the President declares a state of national emergency, it should be approved by each House of Parliament –

     within a month


68. Who is the ex-officio Chairman of the Rajya Sabha.  

      The Vice-President


69. What is the minimum age to become the Vice President of India –

      35 years


70. Who has been on the post of Vice President of India twice –

      Dr. S. Radhakrishnan


71. Who is an integral part of the President of India-



72. If the Anglo-Indian community does not get adequate representation in the Lok Sabha, two members of the community can be nominated –



73. What does the President of India get under arbitral power –

      appointment of Prime Minister


74. How long is the election of a member of Rajya Sabha -

      six years


75. If the Speaker of Lok Sabha wants to resign, to whom will he address his resignation-

      Vice President

Polity One liners: 

76. What are the constitutional bodies according to the Constitution of India-

      Finance Commission


77. After how many years the Finance Commission is appointed by the President of India –

     5 years


78. The Central Government grants grants to the States from the Consolidated Fund of India based on whose recommendations-

     Finance Commission


79. Who is the Protection of Contingency Fund of India –



80. Who appoints Attorney General of India –

      President of India


81. Who is the supreme commander-in-chief of the country's armed forces –



82. Persons who can refer a matter under Article 143 to the Supreme Court of India for an advisory opinion-      

      President of India


83. In a single transferable voting method, every voter can express –

      as many choices as the candidates in the election.


84. Who was the first non-political President of India –

      Dr. A.P.J. Abdul Kalam


85. How many times has the President declared a National Emergency –

      three times


86. After the constitutional system fails, under which section of the constitution the President's rule is imposed in a state-



87. If the President wants to resign, to whom he will address his resignation-

      Vice President


88. The appointment of whom is not in the authority of the President of India –

      Speaker of Lok Sabha


89. How much age a citizen should have completed for the election of the President of India –

      35 years


90. What is the maximum age limit set for the post of President of India –

      There is no maximum age limit.


91. In the event of a deadlock between the two houses of Parliament, who presides over the Joint Session -     

      Speaker of Lok Sabha

92. How many types of emergencies are there in the Constitution –



93. In India, how many times has the President declared a financial emergency –



94. By using which article the President of India can declare financial emergency-

      Article 360


95. How many times the National Emergency has been imposed after independence in India –

      three times


96. How many times the President of India can stand for re-election to his post –

      as many times as he wants.


97. How long the President's Ordinance remains in force –

      six months


98. The Vice President of India is elected by

      the Members of Parliament.


99. Any dispute regarding election of Vice President of India –

      must be filed in the Supreme Court.


100. Impeachment can be conducted on the President of India –

        by Parliament

Physics one liners

Monday, May 29, 2023

Battles in Indian History | List of Important Battles & Wars in Indian History.

 Important Battles in Indian History  


Indian history is a significant component of the various exam syllabus. The important battles in Indian History have influenced the country, both in terms of culture and linguistic ethos as well. Mostly these wars and battles were fought by the kings and emperors of different empires, kingdoms, and dynasties to conquer the parts of India. Some of the important battles in Indian history.


List of Battles in Indian History.

Battle of Haldighati - 1576 A.D. Akbar's forces headed by Raja Man Singh and Asaf Khan defeated Rana Pratap. Rana Pratap refused to surrender to the Mughal Power.


Battle of Karnal - 1739 A.D. Nadir Shah defeated Mohd. Shah.


Battle of Plassey - 1757 A.D. Lord Clive defeated Siraj-ud-Daula.


Battle of Wandiwash - 1760 A.D. The English forces defeated the French forces.


One Liner History Questions.

Third Battle of Panipat - 1761 A.D. Ahmed Shah Abdali defeated the Marathas.


Battle of Buxar - 1764 A.D. The English forces defeated the alliance of Nawab Mir Qasim of Bengal, Nawab Shuja-ud-daula of Awadh and Mughal Emperor Shah Alam II.


First Anglo Mysore War - (1767-69 A.D.) Hyder Ali defeated the English forces.


Second Anglo Mysore War - (1780-84 A.D.) Hyder Ali died in the battle (1782) and subsequently led by his son Tipu Sultan. The war concluded with the Treaty of Mangalore (1784).


Third Anglo Mysore War - (1789-92 A.D.) The English forces defeated Tipu Sultan. Treaty of Srirangapatnam was signed.


Fourth Anglo Mysore War - 1799 A.D. Tipu Sultan was defeated and killed by the English forces.


Battle of Hydaspeas - 326 B.C. Alexander defeated Porus.


Kalinga War - 261 B.C. Ashoka defeated Kalinga.


First Battle of Tarain - 1191 A.D. Prithvi Raj Chauhan defeated Mohammed Ghori.


Polity One Liner Questions for Exams.

Second Battle of Tarain - 1192 A.D. Mohammad Ghori defeated Prithvi Raj Chauhan.


Battle of Chandawar - 1193 or 1194 Muhammad Ghori defeated Jaichandra Gaharwar.


First Battle of Panipat - 1526 A.D. Babar defeated Ibrahim Lodi.


Battle of Khanwa - 1527 A.D. Babar defeated Rana Sanga.


Battle of Ghaghra - 1529 A.D. Babar defeated Mahmud Lodhi and Sultan Nusrat Shah.


Battle of Chausa - 1539 A.D. Sher Shah Suri (Sher Khan) defeated Humayun.


Battle of Kannauj (or Bilgram) - 1540 A.D. Sher Shah Suri (Sher Khan) defeated Humayun.


Second Battle of Panipat - 1556 A.D. Bairam Khan (representing Mughal Emperor Akbar) defeated Hemu.


Battle of Talikota - 1565 A.D. Ahmednagar, Bijapur, Golkonda and Bidar formed alliance and defeated the Vijaynagar empire.


Physics One Liner Questions for Exams.


Saturday, May 13, 2023





Latest biology Questions | Biology Questions and Answers for SSC CGL 2023 & other Competitive Exams.

Hello Friends, We are sharing with you One Liners Biology Questions and Answers. This is very helpful for various competitive exams like SSC CGL, CHSL, MTS, RRB, DMRC, UPSC & other competitive exams. 



Biology Questions for SSC CGL 2023:

1. Jaravik - 7 - Artificial heart

2. Bile is yellow- green colored alkaline fluid

3. Bile is secreted by - the liver

4. stored in the liver for the future - Vitamin-A

5. Bile has a pH value of - 7.7

6. The study of fungi is called- Mycology.

7. The study of algae is called - phycology.

8. Digestion of protein occurs in the - small intestine.

9. The final products in the digestion of starch in the alimentary canal are - maltose.

10. The edible part of the florist is - the inflorescence.


11. Formation of the word cell - Robert Hooke

12. The genetic material of a cell is - DNA

13. Study of Cell- Cytology

14. Plants take nitrogen - in the form of nitrate

15. DNA was discovered by - Watson and Crick

16. Units of DNA - nucleotides

17. Diabetes is caused by lack of - insulin.

18. Insulin discovered - Waiting and West

19. Insulin is produced in the body - by pancreatic

20. Yeast is a .........- fungus.

21. Who discovered cholera's microbes - Robert Koch

22. Carrot is orange in color because of - carotene.

23. What substance is usually lost from the body during dehydration- Sodium chloride

24. Roundworm is a human parasite found in - the asteroid.

25. Tinia solium (lace worm) lives as a parasite - in the intestine

26. How are carbohydrates stored in the body - in glycogen

27. The sugars found in milk are - lactose.

28. Isolated division - in somatic cells

29. Human eye works - like convex lens

30. Speed of light is highest - in vacuum

31. Discovery of chromosomes- Waldeyer

32. Number of chromosomes in humans - 46 (23 pairs)

33. Chromosomes are formed by a substance called - chromatin.

34. Red color in tomato is due to- lycopene.

35. Turmeric has a yellow color - Crismin

36. The edible part of ginger and ale is- Stem

37. Meiosis occurs in the sexed - reproductive cells.

38. The enzymes found in human saliva are - Amylase.

39. Gigandha is caused by the deficiency of- iodine

40. Vitamin B deficiency occurs- Berry-Berry


41. Which metal is a component of Vitamin B12 - Cobalt

42. The function of trypsin is to dissolve - proteins.

43. Carbohydrates are the primary source of - plants.

44. "Trace" metal present in insulin- zinc

45. Scurvy disease, in which organ - skin

46. Vitamins that are not available from any vegetable are - Vitamin D

47. The enzyme that makes milk pulsed in curd is- renin.

48. Enzymes are - Proteins

49. The source of diastase enzyme is - salivary glands.

50. What is the total number of internal transition elements - 29